Two Become One

Monday, February 22, 2010

Sucks to be Sick

Especially when the first time in what feels like years the temp actually reached into the 60s. It started Friday morning as I was eating my coco puffs mixed with protein cereal. Yes this makes me feel that I'm not being terribly unhealthy. Anyway, I couldn't finish eating because I just felt gross. You know when you think you're too full and you're kinda queasy? I knew that was odd but I didn't think much of it until I started feeling weak and I just wanted to be sitting down.

Things just got worse but I did manage to buy myself a sweet little Coach wallet at the outlet. I got home and literally passed out for hours on the couch and woke up with a fever. I could barely eat the chicken soup Justin brought me. I basically just slept the evening and night away. Sat and Sun things got better but I could barely eat and I just felt bloated and so I visited the porcelain throne a couple times to puke (sorry, TMI). I thought I'd have to go to the doctor today but of course I woke up feeling totally normal with my appetite back.

Why do we get sick on the weekends?? On the beautiful and sunny days?

I have to brag about my hubby for a second and say he totally did everything for me this weekend. All the laundry, dishes, cleaning, and even going to a natural foods store to buy ginger ale with real ginger. I'm a lucky gal!

Stay healthy everyone! Wash your hands, because I swear one of my kids gave this stomach bug to me, yuck. Now I have to go clean all my Mr. Potato Head pieces with Clorox.

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