I can't wait till it's gone so I can decontaminate that room. I've been sleeping in the guest room with Luna. I was also told to get on Tamiflu which so far I have not taken. I'm sure I'm getting a mental and possibly verbal beating by some reading this but call me stupid, stubborn, or ignorant, I'm just not going to. Unless, I start feeling the littlest twinge of something starting.
I despise medicine with all my soul and I don't trust doctors. Really I have no idea why, but I just think if you don't need something then don't take it or find some other natural way to heal. I know I'm not a scientist or have conducted research but I feel that if I personally ingest something that is not natural then I am hurting myself and now hurting the baby....long-term I mean. I pray that my baby gets my immune system!! You know how they say don't use antibacterial on your hands all the time because it lowers your defense?? Well, that's my theory too basically.
I'm also scared to get sick from it like Justin did. The first time he took his Tamiflu he threw up and the second time he had diarrhea.
This is just me needing to express my thoughts because everyone's telling me to take it and my little voice inside says no. Thanks for letting me let it out!
tsk tsk! My aunt told you yesterday that it would be better to take it because your immune system is very vulnerable right now...I hope you're right and you dont get sick.