Two Become One

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The dreaded F word

My husband has got a big fat positive of his own.....for the FLU. He hasn't gotten it since we've been married so I have no idea what you're supposed to do to nurse someone back to health. I also didn't know that it can be passed by just breathing the same air. I'm still going to Lysol everything, use Clorox wipes on everything, and pump some antibacterial on my hands all the time. The poor guy has been miserable for 2 days now and just lays in our bed moaning. I've never had the flu so I have no idea what it's like.
I can't wait till it's gone so I can decontaminate that room. I've been sleeping in the guest room with Luna. I was also told to get on Tamiflu which so far I have not taken. I'm sure I'm getting a mental and possibly verbal beating by some reading this but call me stupid, stubborn, or ignorant, I'm just not going to. Unless, I start feeling the littlest twinge of something starting.
I despise medicine with all my soul and I don't trust doctors. Really I have no idea why, but I just think if you don't need something then don't take it or find some other natural way to heal. I know I'm not a scientist or have conducted research but I feel that if I personally ingest something that is not natural then I am hurting myself and now hurting the baby....long-term I mean. I pray that my baby gets my immune system!! You know how they say don't use antibacterial on your hands all the time because it lowers your defense?? Well, that's my theory too basically.
I'm also scared to get sick from it like Justin did. The first time he took his Tamiflu he threw up and the second time he had diarrhea.
This is just me needing to express my thoughts because everyone's telling me to take it and my little voice inside says no. Thanks for letting me let it out!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Our magical weekend

So much to catch up on but first I want to share about our weekend at Disney for my BFF's wedding. We left Friday morning and drove for about 10 hours. It was my first time leaving Luna and Angel with a petsitter so I was sad and cried a little bit. Nothing eventful Friday just checked into the hotel and had dinner at Outback.
Saturday morning was the rehearsal breakfast at the Grand Floridian. I'd never been there so I thought it was awesome! The day was absolutely gorgeous too. It was great to see everyone again. We hadn't seen our pastor and his family since our wedding so that was sweet.

Breakfast was sooo yummy! Then we were off to the wedding pavilion/chapel. Did I mention how sunny and warm it was?? No need for jackets or gloves, yay!

so pretty and you can see the castle straight ahead
After the rehearsal, some of us headed to downtown Disney for lunch and shopping. I had a much deserved nap afterward. We met up with the bride that evening and got ready for dinner. We ate at Wolfgang Puck's and it was $$$$! It was nice to eat there but I wouldn't do it again. I ordered the salmon and it was good but not enough food. Then it took 40 minutes for Justin's desert to come out. Now that was GOOD! Chocolate lava cake :)

After dinner, I just kissed hubby goodbye and the girls returned to the hotel. We were up at 6am for hair and make-up! At 1045 the limo came to get us and we were off for pictures. I started getting nervous before we walked down the aisle. Nothing like my wedding where I was calm and relaxed. I think standing around waiting makes me nervous.
Maid, Bride, Matron

Weren't we just here? <3

Mr and Mrs. M!

Seeing her walk down the aisle made me tear up bad and I thought I was going to cry a river. I told myself to stop it and get it together. Then I remembered we had pockets in our dresses and why in the heck did I not pack tissues?! The ceremony was short and sweet but I just kept thinking how blessed we all are that we're still the closest of friends and we have been through so much together. I was so thankful to be a part of her special day!
The reception was beautiful and the food was delicious. Justin kept telling me how he wished he could relive our wedding day again...I love him. It did bring back those feelings when we were out there dancing and having a great time. This time I told him we're dancing with the baby :) Disney holds so many memories for us and our friends that we were saying how we've fallen in love at Disney, had a wedding, and honeymoon there. Now someone has to get engaged there and then conceive a baby there, LOL. I look forward to the day we'll bring our little guy/girl, but for now I'm more than ok not seeing Disney for several years.

Here's a link to additional photos of the wedding

Now let me recap some baby news! We had our appointment last Wednesday afternoon and Justin heard the heartbeat for the first time. It was a healthy 146bpm. I asked my doc a bunch of questions that I've been studying up on. She answered them how I wanted her to so as of right now I'm not switching practices. For our next appt I requested a midwife so I can start getting to know them. We have 3 of them and one of them will be there when I go into labor. If my doc is on call then I'd ask her to be there otherwise I want the midwife. I was considering changing to a practice with one doctor and one midwife, but I'm feeling comfortable where we are right now. I'll post the questions later in case someone out there is curious.

It was the sweetest relief to hear the hb and nothing could take the smile off my face :-)
We went public on FB the next day and it was nice to read everyone's comments. I am now 14 weeks along and feeling wonderful!

This week's big developments: Your baby can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another. His kidneys are producing urine, which he releases into the amniotic fluid around him — a process he'll keep up until birth. He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb.
In other news: Your baby's stretching out. From head to bottom, he measures 3 1/2 inches —about the size of a lemon  — and he weighs 1 1/2 ounces. His body's growing faster than his head, which now sits upon a more distinct neck. By the end of this week, his arms will have grown to a length that's in proportion to the rest of his body. (His legs still have some lengthening to do.) He's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his body. Your baby's liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells. Though you can't feel his tiny punches and kicks yet, your little pugilist's hands and feet (which now measure about 1/2 inch long) are more flexible and active. Source

My symptoms haven't changed. I feel cramping now and then which are just growing pains, my hands still fall asleep at night, I can get out of breath a lot sooner when running, and I'm hungry often.

My maternity jeans were dirty yesterday so I had to wear my fat jeans with an elastic around the button. It worked but I wasn't very comfortable. Hopefully, this weekend I can buy another pair. What else...I'm using Aveeno Intense Relief Overnight Cream all over my belly and really everywhere since I tend to have drier skin. I haven't bought any oil for stretch marks, but if I start to see some I'll be running to CVS! I guess that's it for now.

One more thing! We should find out the sex on March 23rd but we're planning on having family over the following weekend after the appt to reveal the sex. We're not sure if we're going to surprise them or if we're going to be surprised with them. We might have a cake baked with either pink or blue icing in the inside!! Can't wait!!

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

I hope everyone has a fantastic day and make sure to kiss someone or tell someone you love them! We're celebrating our 2nd Vday as Mr. and Mrs. Justin is planning a surprise dinner, and I mean he's COOKING! I'm doing the baking which is much more fun. I'll be making brownies and we'll have them with ice cream. Yummm!

In baby world, baby Doyle is now 13 weeks which is also the end of the 1st trimester!!!
What's up with your baby? Well, besides being as large as a peach now, that big old noggin of hers is now about half the size of her crown-to-rump length (that’s one reason why your little peach looks more like an alien from outer space at this point). By the time you give birth, her body will catch up, measuring three-quarters of her total size. What else is going on in there? Tiny bones are beginning to form in her arms and legs, the intestines are beginning to move from the umbilical cord to the abdomen, and the vocal cords are well under construction (the first step toward saying, "I love you, Mommy!"). And because she can move her arms and legs in a jerky fashion, she may be able to get her thumb into her mouth (a habit that may come in handy for self-soothing when she’s a newborn).Source
 I had a scary episode last night.Before bed I went to the bathroom and there was red blood on my underwear. I freaked and cried pretty bad. Justin calmed me down, we prayed, and I pretty much did not sleep well at all. I went to the bathroom again and there was nothing. This morning there's nothing. I talked to the nurse this morning, and she said they'd like to see me but I told her my appt is Wed. so she said if I'm ok waiting till then I can. If I have any more bleeding I'll have to come in. I'm almost sure everything is ok, but I can't tell you how much I live for my appointments! Just to hear the heartbeat puts my world at peace. So please say a little prayer for us. As easy and beautiful as this pregnancy has been it can turn your world upside down in a second. But enough of that...

My life
XOXO to everyone!!

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Friday, February 11, 2011


I started my prenatal Yoga DVD this week. This is the one I got from the library:
 The first day I did it I was already tired and had a headache so I lasted up to the last move. It was hard I'll admit but by the second time I did it I found it easier. I did the whole 30 minutes plus the 15 minutes of relaxation. These moves were hard for me

Um yeah those were pretty hard and not at all comfortable, LOL. This is my favorite pose:
That and the one where you're on all fours and you do these hip rotations. Those are ahhhmazing! Unfortunately, I only have the DVD until Monday so I might just buy one over the weekend.

The second DVD I just picked up is this one:
I might check this one out today :) For now, I'm going to go enjoy a homemade peanut butter cup that the hubs made!

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

We're in the plum stage

Sunday marked the beginning of 12 weeks so let's see what's going on this week:

The most dramatic development this week: reflexes. Your baby's fingers will soon begin to open and close, his toes will curl, his eye muscles will clench, and his mouth will make sucking movements. In fact, if you prod your abdomen, your baby will squirm in response, although you won't be able to feel it. His intestines, which have grown so fast that they protrude into the umbilical cord, will start to move into his abdominal cavity about now, and his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder.
Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and in your baby's brain, synapses are forming furiously. His face looks unquestionably human: His eyes have moved from the sides to the front of his head, and his ears are right where they should be. From crown to rump, your baby-to-be is just over 2 inches long and weighs half an ounce. Source

As for me, I'm hungry all the time and it drives me nuts. My body has always been good at telling me when I'm satisfied, but now the satisfaction doesn't last as long so I'm constantly eating. It's not so easy because I don't eat fast food unless I'm out with Justin so I've had to get creative and bring all sorts of snacks with me. No weird cravings though or much cravings at all. My belly is definitely starting to feel bigger :)

Lastly, I tried on the dress and it fits!! The top could be drawn in a little bit but I'm going to just use fashion tape to adhere it to my bra. Gotta save those benjamins!
the dress

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Monday, February 7, 2011

It's truly outrageous!

I was a preggo on a mission Saturday searching for maternity jeans since I didn't like the Beband  from Target. I headed to the mall because when I went to Old Navy the other day I found out they only carry their maternity line online.

I went to Macy's first where I found a couple of nice ones, but only one fit comfortably enough for me to want to buy them. They were $30 or $35 so I wanted to keep looking before I made a decision.

It turns out Gap was the only other place with maternity clothes (at least I think so since I got too tired to keep looking in Dillards) and you won't believe how much Gap charges!! $70!!! They are nuts.

I asked if they ever have sales, rarely is what they told me. I really wished there was a maternity consignment nearby! I decided to give another Target a try. Our Target only had crop jeans and I was looking for full length bootcut. We're still in the 30s up here so I can't do crop pants!

Target had them and I tried on about 7 with no luck. Either they were too tight or too baggy.
Liz Lange
I looked up maternity stores in the area and there was a boutique called Haute Mommas in Cornelius. I called them up and their jeans start at $70 and can go up to $200! They were having a 30% sale that day, but that still wouldn't help out my wallet. I absolutely refuse to spend too much money on maternity clothes, I'd rather spend it on my baby.

I headed back home and thought I'd try Kohl's since they did have a maternity line. You wanna guess how much their jeans are? Most of the ones I saw were $56 or $59. Thankfully, I checked out the clearance rack and lo and behold there was one pair for $22!!! I saved like $36 :):)

Unfortunately, I didn't take a picture of myself wearing them yesterday. They are a little baggy, but hubby said I will grow into them, LOL, I didn't want to hear that.

I'm honestly, not dealing with the weight gain all that great. Mainly it's because I have nearly nothing to wear on the weekends. It's frustrating to say the least.

Did I mention my best friend's wedding is in 2 weeks and I haven't tried on my Matron of Honor dress in fear that it won't zip? Tonight I'm making myself do it though!!

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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I confess

These will be the death of me...or at least a reasonable growing waistline!

Can you see how empty the bag is already?! Taking this picture alone made me eat one! I almost snapped hubby's head off when he ate one last night.


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