Two Become One

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cooking for an omnivore

Cooking for my husband has been difficult/an experience. Right now we have very different palates: he eats meat but not many fruits/veggies and I detest meat but love fruits and veggies. So how do I plan meals for the two of us? I'm still learning to say the least. I mean for so many years I lived on my own and I could just graze throughout the day. I wasn't much for big meals 3x's a day. He's used to that. Which kinda boggles my mind because he did live on his own for many years too, LOL. I'm not complaining though because this is part of the fun of being a newlywed. You learn each others likes and dislikes about everything, especially food. As of late, I've become a real foodie again so learning to make yummy and healthy meals is top on my list.

We've crossed, no I shouldn't say crossed, we've reached a pretty hefty dilemma recently. Our food expenses are through the roof! The $$ is mind numbing, to us at least. We've been trying to find ways to cut it down, but here's another thing, I'm really big on eating foods with low pesticide/hormones. Buying organic is not cheap. I'm using the dirty dozen/clean 15 as a general rule, but somehow it's not enough. I cut coupons, I type up each grocery store's weekly sale prices, we don't buy sodas or junk food, now and then we buy beer or wine. So what gives? Coupons aren't exactly working though because the majority of the time they're for crap food that we don't buy. Now I'm keeping all my grocery receipts to see what exactly our money is being spent on. I couldn't imagine if I bought other meat besides chicken.
I'll have to come back with an update after we hopefully, figure things out.

Back to my is a dish I used to cook a lot when I ate chicken.

Red peppers and chicken sausage
A mix of shells and penne (have to use leftovers)

Add some Parmesan cheese and we're ready to roll!

So yummy and at least he gets some veggies in. I should also say he had a salad of romaine, spinach, carrots, green peppers, and cucumbers prior to dinner :-)
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