Just now you put yourself to sleep again! And this time for a nap. I'm in a little bit of shock and very excited. Even if you do end up waking in 2 minutes I'll still be so proud.
I think you're an excellent night sleeper and I don't mind so much getting up in the middle of the night especially because when I look over in your crib you always greet me with a flirtatious smile. I know I'm not supposed to "play" with you so you don't get stimulated and won't fall back asleep, but I can't help giving your belly a million kisses and making you coo and smile. I treasure our quiet moments together at night because one day you're going to be too big for me to hold and you won't want kisses on your belly.
As of right now we're working on getting down some naps but everyday you change your mind. Sometimes it's a 10 or 15 minute catnap other times you can sleep for an hour or two. Now the next big thing will be to get you to sleep without your swaddle. That's coming up very soon and it makes me nervous.
All right my love, it's time for mommy to take a nap because you're STILL napping, yay!
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