I don't know what I'm going to do about the car seat issue. Unless I sit back there with him, he cries. Hopefully he grows out of this real soon. Thank God the ped is right around the corner so he's never had much time to get upset. We've removed the infant pads and adjusted the shoulder straps. I think he just doesn't want to be strapped down and unable to see me. When we go on walks he doesn't cry because he can see me but he does fuss a little when I put him in and when we get home.
So this weekend is going to be awesome because one of my bests is coming down from DC to meet Easton. Daddy and Easton will have quality time while the girls go out for some shopping.
On a different subject: cloth diapering. I haven't shared how that's going. We didn't start until Easton was a month and a half and we only did it for 2 weeks. Let me explain....
We had gotten newborn diapers from a friend and I had a diaper cake at my shower so I had plenty of diapers to use and I used them up gladly. After all I'll be honest I'm not doing cloth diapers for the environment but to save money. Then we were at the hospital where they provided us with diapers and sent us home with diapers. Then my mom wanted to buy some more because she didn't care too much about the cloth, although she did cloth diaper my brother and I a little bit. I didn't run out of disposables until Easton was almost two months.
I mainly used prefolds with a cover and they're great. I've never had leaking issues. I had leaking with a couple of pockets and all-in-ones but it may have been that I didn't prep them enough. Anyway so one day I'm like I think I want to use disposables at night to make it easier on myself. Not that cloth is hard, but when you're sleep deprived disposables are super quick. Stupidly I bought Easton's size but there were so many that I ended up using them more than cloth so I wouldn't have any left over. But now, we're back on cloth and I may or may not use the disposables at night. It all depends how I feel I guess. I had to buy more cloth diapers too since he outgrew his prefolds. I'm debating whether or not to buy more or just stick with the all in one diapers since they're closer to disposables. I'll admit it's more work to use cloth, but it feels so good to save money and they are super cute.
All right it's almost 6 and my little guy is still sleeping from 3 this afternoon! I better vacuum to get him to stir. I know I know, never wake a sleeping baby, but I have to clean the house at some point right?
This is going to sound totally crazy but my cousin (forst time mommy, too!) tried it and for some crazy reason it seemed to work! She put a picture of herself where her baby could see it in the car, and talked out loud as much as possible. It helped for medium distances (like gorcery shopping or going to her parents house).
ReplyDeleteI'm closely following the cloth diaper journey ;) I want to do it but I'm scared I'll suck at it lol.
I love the picture idea!! Thanks I should do a trial run!
ReplyDeleteThe cloth diapering thing can be hit or miss. It's worth a try and not a biggie if it's not for you. I honestly wouldn't be doing it if someone bought me diapers, lol.