We have exactly 3 weeks left in our current apartment.
We still have to do the hospital tour
Meeting with a couple pediatricians
I'm still looking for a doula
Baby shower next weekend
Harry Potter next weekend
We've been looking at condos to rent
we still have a lot to pack!
I'm not used to being so busy! I like the slow paced, do whatever on a whim life. July is actually my favorite month though (BIRTHDAY MONTH!) and many of the things left to do are exciting. Next weekend we're going to see the last HP movie and I'm going to cry a river! I'm also having my first shower that my coworkers are throwing. I really have the best job with the best group of women.
I still haven't decided on a photog because I found another this week that I'm waiting to hear back from. She also happens to be a doula, so it would be awesome to check off two major things off the list.
We may have found our future home for the next 6 months, possibly longer. It's a cute 2BD/2BA condo. We're supposed to go tomorrow to finalize things but we just found a second bigger condo and now that changes things, lol.
I'm going to say at 33 weeks I'm starting to feel tired again. Not as bad as the 1st trimester, but a little cat nap can do wonders! My feet are starting to hurt at the end of the day and walking for more than 30 minutes is feeling uncomfortable. I walked the mall today and it felt like a workout. And he's still going to grow, wow!
At my appointment yesterday I weighed 158 so I'm up 33 lbs. Baby D loves his ice cream! We got to meet my obgyn again and she told me her natural birth story. She had it so good, even if she had a 9lb baby. Her labor sounded like the ideal situation. She was not gbs+ though so that makes a difference I think.
In two more weeks I start going every week. OHMYGOSH. I'm starting to slow down in my head so I can just enjoy these last few weeks with my belly. Just to be still and cherish having him inside just a little while longer <3
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