It's actually here! The last and final Harry Potter movie. The end to probably the most fabulous series I've ever read and watched. I'm prepared with tissues, twizzlers, peanut m&ms, and sour patch kids. Justin's taking me out to a last HP dinner and then we're heading to the theater.
I just can't believe it. How many other books/movies have I watched come and go? Well, they're not finished with the Narnia movies, but that was one of my favorite series. I can't think of any others. Maybe someday Harry will be that way too. I look forward to the day I can read the books to baby D. I hope he grows up loving reading as much as I do. Daddy doesn't care to read so cross your fingers he gets my gene!
This week has been great because I've checked off some things from the baby list. I picked the photographer, pediatrician, urologist (for the circumcision), and got my shower dress.
Do you want to know who the photog will be?....Two Little Monkeys! Her gallery for the newborn pics still isn't working for me, but I just LOVE LOVE her work. I'm really excited to see what she'll do with Baby D.
Yesterday, we met with the pediatrician that came highly recommended for her holistic/alternative medicine background or whatever you want to call it. She'll support us on an alternative vaccine schedule, has seen vegetarian children, won't push antibiotics/prescriptions, etc. She did an additional two years of alternative/natural medicine after her residency. She even told me pediatricians hardly get any classes on nutrition and just barely spend a day or two on vaccines! That's crazy to me. Here again are the q's I asked her although most of these she answered when she introduced herself and talked about the practice.
1. Do you have a nurse's line for just questions without having to bring in baby? If so is it 24hrs?
2. Is the doc part of a group? If so, will you visit your doc exclusively, or will you see whoever is available (including perhaps a nurse)?
3. Does the doc encourage email communication?
4. How long can you expect to wait for a response when you email/phone with a question?
5. What happens if he's sick on weekends, holidays, middle of the night?
6. How does the doc treat ear infections? Some dispense antibiotics liberally; others encourage that you wait and watch. as most ear infections resolve themselves within 3 days.
7. Does the doc have a standard protocol for vaccines? How flexible are they about timing of vaccines and the administration of optional vaccines?
8. Do they have electronic medical records so when baby graduates HS the records are complete?
9. Are the doc's feelings about complementary medicine in sync with yours?
10. Do you offer same-day sick appointments?
11. Do any of the doctors have sub-specialties?
12. What are your hours? Do you offer evening or weekend hours?
13. Do you have a lactation consultant on staff?
14. When do you recommend the first visit to be? (Some peds even come to the hospital to discharge)
15. How long will you see him? (they can go up to 25 years now!)
We're still unsure about whether to do the vitamin K shot after he's born or to decline it. Since we're planning on circumcising him maybe a week or more after he's born, it's not totally necessary for him to get it. I've read up on it, but I'm on the fence. Yes, I really do analyze every little thing. I'm just like that.
Onto less complicated's my shower dress. I'm so excited for tomorrow!
I've also decided to stop work the week before my due date. A wonderful friend just told me how she enjoyed a month to herself before her baby came. It made me realize that I wanted that too. Besides with the move and unpacking, I'm really going to need it. So I have officially 4 more weeks until I stop work!!!!
This Sunday will be 35/35, 35 weeks and 35 days to go. My mom is coming up for a month and I hope we get to spend some time together before he comes. Either way though, I'm grateful to have her help, because we literally have no one to help us. Justin's going to take a week off too. Eeee things are really moving fast!
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