Yesterday marked 27 weeks and I'm entering the 3rd trimester!
According to babycenter:
This week, your baby weighs almost 2 pounds (like a head of cauliflower) and is about 14 1/2 inches long with his legs extended. He's sleeping and waking at regular intervals, opening and closing his eyes, and perhaps even sucking his fingers. With more brain tissue developing, your baby's brain is very active now. While his lungs are still immature, they would be capable of functioning — with a lot of medical help — if he were to be born now. Chalk up any tiny rhythmic movements you may be feeling to a case of baby hiccups, which may be common from now on. Each episode usually lasts only a few moments, and they don't bother him, so just relax and enjoy the tickle.
I also read that I might be experiencing leg cramps which I actually have. What do you know a symptom I can say I experienced. I swear sometimes, I've been left out of "the things you go through when you're pregnant." I only feel them at night and it's been a few times. They're just annoying, nothing painful.
I also can report that I have a linea nigra! It starts above my belly button and it does this funny little curve then continues down past my belly button. It's not very dark at all, but funny nonetheless. Oh and my belly button is funny looking too since it's doing some kinda of stretching/trying to pop thing.
In other Doyle news, we have pretty much come to accept that after July 27 (when our lease ends) we'll have to move and continue renting somewhere else until we either find a house we love to buy or build. We both really want to build, so that's still our preferred option. In a perfect world, we would move in before Thanksgiving, but there's no telling the future.
We checked out another house yesterday, but it wasn't the one. Trust me I have cried many tears over this situation because it's the most stressful thing going on. Crying really helps. And do does my hubby, who is simply amazing and hates that I'm stressing over this. He continues to tell me to leave it all to him. I'm trying, but I'm a control freak.
On to happier news, Luna has learned to sit and shake hands! We're also working on not barking when the doorbell rings or barking at other people outside. The last one is harder than I thought. She's quite the little beast ;)
We finally registered yesterday at both Target and BRU. one day. But really, it wasn't bad since I just wanted to get the goodie bags, lol. We just added some things quickly and the rest I'll be doing online. Personally, I think is the best place to register but I know most people like to go into a store and pick something out. Amazon let's you have an add to registry button that you add to your browser. So if you're on say Target's website and you see something you want to add to your amazon registry you click the button and it's added. Read more here.
What were in our bags? Each store gave me one disposable diaper, coupons, pair of disposable nursing pads, Johnson lotion, and a breast milk storage bag.
The best news of the week is that Saturday we leave for the beach and it's hello relaxation and sunshine!
I bought this for us today
It's a Sport-Brella and I read about it in my Parents magazine. I mainly got it for Luna since I don't want her getting too hot. Yes I spoil her.
OK I've talked forever, I'm off to attack my to do list!
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