1. A new person joins our family.
2. I fall in love like I have never fallen in love before.
3. I become someone's mother.
4. Life changes.
5. Luna and Angel get a baby brother.
I won't go into 95 more untils, but this is what's on my mind today. It's surreal and scary because we STILL have no place to live or at least know what we're doing after July 27th. Grrr. That whole situation is no fun, because nothing is set up for a baby so until then, baby still feels so far away.
Right now the spare bedroom is slowly filling up with baby stuff, both bought and given. Yesterday my friend actually gave me tons of stuff. I got a brand new changing pad, bottle sterilizer, bottle warmer, baby clothes, cloth diapers, baby bath tub, breastmilk storage bottles, breast pads, and even some maternity clothes for me. I've heard you don't really need a sterilizer or warmer, but hey it's FREE! The best was getting some cloth diapers so I'm about done with my stash.
Earlier this week, Justin took me to Macy's where I bought some maternity clothes. Yes, I finally had enough (again) and bought 2 pairs of shorts and two tops. The shorts are the best thing in the world! Wearing them makes me feel normal again and they're so comfortable. I had a 5 second relapse thinking I wasn't pregnant, until baby kicked me back to reality, lol.
Wednesday I met the 3rd midwife at the practice and again I didn't care for her too much. I definitely have a favorite of the three (Beverly) and chose to have my next appointment with her.
I have gained 19lbs! So at this rate, I'll be on the higher end of what they expect to see. She told me they like to see between a 25-35 lb gain OVERALL. Oh well, I'm still enjoying my ice cream, lol. I was also given the glucola to take home and drink 45 minutes prior to my June 1st appointment. I took this test last year and passed so hopefully, I'll pass again. Starting June 1st, I'll be going every 2 weeks!! Crazy. Baby D was active as usual and had a HB of 152/156. He's been in the 150s for a few months now.
Later that night was our 2nd Bradley class and we talked some more about nutrition, did some exercises (do your kegels ladies!), and at the end did Yoga with an instructor. Today I am still sore from the squats. The moves you do on the floor are harder now with my belly, but the stand up ones are fairly easy.
So, this whole protein thing, a pain in my butt. I had 74g yesterday and I need between 80-100. I believe the main reason they push the protein is to avoid preeclampsia and edema. I'm starting to think it's kinda silly because I highly doubt I would be at risk for this. At least keeping track of my food is good so I have a visual everyday of what I'm eating and it helps remind me to get everything I need when it comes to fruits and veggies.
In fact, I better go make a green monster, because I haven't had any veggies today. Shame on me :-P
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