We bought a pregnancy test the night before but I didn't want to take it at my parent's house so the only other decent place was the gas station's bathroom down the road. Nice right? I felt like a teenage girl in high school when I peed on that stick. I started shaking when the line showed up and quickly looked away pretending it wasn't real. I put in the brown paper bag and walked out. As I approached Justin I just blurted "Yup, I'm pregnant."
He said "You are?" then I think he said "Wow."
We drove on and we were both in total shock. I experienced a lot of emotions on that near 12 hour drive. I even cried, because this was not how I imagined it would be. We were supposed to have a house and I was going to read a lot of books on pregnancy (yes, I'm a nerd). don't recommend taking a pregnancy test before you go on a long car ride. It will be the only.thing.on.your.mind.
We even talked about how it couldn't be right because it was just a cheapy CVS brand test. When we got home Justin went straight to the computer to look up the test and found many people saying it gave false positives. If you know my husband, he researches nearly everything online, lol. I know it sounds like we were hoping it was negative (truthfully we were) but we were scared.
The next night I bought another test, digital this time. We waited for the words to come up and it was agonizing to watch that little hour glass turn and turn.
Justin was still pretty shocked and inside I was in denial. It took an ultrasound and a picture of that little bean to confirm in my mind that I was pregnant. But I tell you, when I saw him it was instant love, awe, and excitement. Ready or not here we go.
Today as I hold my little smiling, raspberry blowing baby boy, I thank God for every second of my pregnancy, his birth, and now.
Justin did take a few days to come around and get excited about the fact he was becoming a dad before he was ready. But now, he is so so in love and tells me he wouldn't want his life without Easton.
Like the Johnson & Johnson commercial says, "Having a baby changes everything."
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