What I mean is that had certain things not happened as they did the results could've been far worse for us. For example, had I gone to a hospital to have Easton, I would've ended up having a csection. They would not have wanted to me be in labor so long after my water broke and they would not like me pushing for so long. Actually it would've looked something like this:
water broke so start me on the IV for gbs
labor not progressing quick enough start me on pitocin
pitocin kicking my butt so get an epidural
labor slows down, well time for a csection. I would've been the classic story of what happens so much nowadays. Yes, I'm grateful that we had the birth center and the midwives. I like to say they were Easton's angels.
So back to us at home thinking everything was wonderful minus my right nipple becoming raw to the point of bleeding. This was the reason we called the lactation consultant and she came on Friday. Day 2 of us being home. But first, early that morning my mom thought Easton looked a little yellow. I started noticing it too and wondered why he was sleeping so much when by then he should've been going through the cluster feedings. He should've been up constantly feeding but he wasn't.
The LC arrives and proceeds to do her thing. She weighs him initially and notices he's lost 9% of his weight in 2 days. Not good. I breastfeed him and he gets weighed again. He ended up losing like 2oz! Very bad. She notices too that he just falls asleep on my breast and isn't sucking very well.
I'm crying at this point because she's very concerned about what's happening. This is where things start to unravel, or more like I start to come apart. We didn't have our appt with the ped until Monday but she called in and asked if they could make time for us because he may have jaundice and he's lost too much weight.
While we're getting ready we had to give him a bottle of formula which he took and drank right away. Thank God that I happened to have both a bottle and formula! I later found out he was dehydrated. Just typing this makes me tear up because I remember how he looked and it really hurts to think that something worse could've happened.
I had gotten a free can of formula and an Avent bottle in the mail. I still had the formula because I was going to donate it whenever I found out who to give it to. I never thought he would get jaundice and he wouldn't suck very well. Or that my milk wouldn't come in like it should've. I thought and planned on solely breastfeeding and that I wouldn't have any problems. Silly me. Always an optimist.
At the ped's office she looked him over and directed us to the nearest hospital to have his blirubin checked.
At the hospital, they pricked his heel. He just slept through everything. It was so heartbreaking.
We went home and started gathering our things in case we got the call from the ped to go to a hospital and have to stay overnight. Sure enough she calls and his bilirubin number was 18. High enough to get admitted into the hospital. We asked the ped to choose the hospital we would go to. We had a choice of two and she chose Levine Children's hospital in Charlotte. I know that really sick babies go to this hospital so you can try to imagine how this made me feel.
I have to take a pause here so I can go buy some food! I hate recalling all this anyway. See ya tomorrow!
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