Your baby's growth is fast and furious when you are 10 weeks pregnant. He or she is nearly an inch and a half long and the size of a prune, but not nearly as shriveled (even with all the time it spends in water). In fact, your baby is really taking a human shape now. Bones and cartilage are forming, and small indentations on the legs are developing into knees and ankles. The arms (complete with elbows) can flex already, but don't run to the store for a baseball bat just yet. Though your baby's arms are taking shape and getting stronger, each one is only about the size of this number 1.
The tooth bud fairy is making her appearance this week, heralding the arrival of your baby's little choppers, which are forming under the gums. (Those pearly whites won't break through the gums until your baby is close to six months old). Other systems are go, too. Your baby's stomach is producing digestive juices, the kidneys are producing larger quantities of urine, and, if your baby's a boy, he's already producing testosterone (yikes!). Source
As for me, no morning sickness and I haven't gotten nauseous in a while either. What I have been feeling is tiredness and then I'm still waking up during the night. I'm no longer munching on food at 4am but I have to eat first thing because I am starving! The weirdest thing is my left thigh is falling asleep or feels numb all the time. Kinda freaking me out so I'm going to ask the doctor about that one.
I keep a baby journal too where I write to the baby on a weekly basis :) I let him/her know what's going on with the development, how I'm feeling, what's going on with mom and dad, and just creating a memento for our bean to enjoy when they're older.
On a different subject, we started our house hunting again. We went this past Saturday and we actually liked a home so much we put in an offer!
This is a 3bed/2bath with a whole .62 acres! It's in a quiet neighborhood right down the road from a major park and two great schools. Right now we've only given a verbal offer so we're waiting to hear back. Apparently, the elderly couple that are selling it need a couple days to think about it, LOL. Our lease doesn't end till July so they can take all the time they want. We're not in any rush.
Stay tuned for any news =)
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