Two Become One

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tonight's Dinner

For me...

For my meat eating husband

I love my Amy's pizza! He raved about his baked ziti so it was a win-win tonight.

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Sweet Summer Days

It's been one crazy hot summer here the last couple weeks! In the 90s everyday that I can't believe we lived in this nearly all year round in Florida. We're practically half way through summer already though so I'm going to enjoy every second. Before long the coldness of winter will be here....although I should start thinking of shopping for Fall clothes!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Angel loves her grass

In order for her to stop eating my plants I planted some kitty grass seeds for her. I bought them at Petsmart and they grew within days. I would say she likes it wouldn't you?

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Stay away from Silk and their products!

I just came across this article from The Organic Consumers Association (an online non-profit group looking out for our health). It's disturbing because now I have to find another nondairy coffee creamer! Grrr

I do not want to add any chemicals to my coffee, it's enough of one as it is, lol.

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This is what the hubs and I are drinking every morning, 3tsp with 8oz juice. Now I admit I didn't research this, but Justin did and I trust him completely that it's a great product. My only reservation is that I'd rather get my greens from whole foods and not supplements. Right now however, I'm learning so much about nutrition and slowly adjusting my diet in eliminating dairy and adding more veggies so I think it's smart for me to take something while I figure things out. It tastes great in juice of course so no problems drinking it. Here's their site if you want to read more

A little info from their site:
Greens Plus is a 100% natural blend of 29 nutrient-rich Superfoods, Sea Vegetables and High-Energy Herbal Extracts. One serving of Greens Plus delivers more organic vitamins, essential minerals, live enzymes and high-ORAC antioxidants than 5 full servings of fresh fruits and vegetables, and provides every vibrant color in the dietary food spectrum, as recommended by the United States Department of Agriculture.

I'm going to check out a couple others that I've read about in my vegan blogs I follow. I haven't noticed a difference in myself but I've only been drinking it for a week. Oh, and it's made in Vero Beach, FL too!

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

McDonald's Smoothies

I was so looking forward to having one of these today when I came across this blog that said a small strawberry/banana smoothie has 210 CALORIES! Whaaa? This equals a small fry or medium coke. And the large smoothie has more calories than a cheeseburger.

Guess I'll have to make my own.

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Must Have Books!

We've just finished dinner and I made another amazing vegan dinner. I'm only saying it was so good because Justin loved it so much. When it comes to food, especially vegan stuff, he's hard to please, trust me. What did I make?
Taquitos with Chorizo and Potatoes from my book Viva Vegan! by Terry Hope Romero.
I'd share the recipe but I'm lazy to type it up, lol. This book is heaven for me because it includes all Latin food. When I read the recipes in this book, it gives me so much hope that I can still enjoy the food I grew up with minus the meat and dairy.

Next, are my cupcakes from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. Look at these! I made the Golden Vanilla with Chocolate Buttercream Icing. NO DAIRY AT ALL!

Finally, Veganomicon by Isa Chandra Moskowitz and Terry Hope Romero. These girls know how to make good food! I haven't made anything from this book yet. It's great that they spend the first few chapters talking about stocking the pantry, essential tools, and cooking terminology.

Hopefully, I can inspire someone to check these books out even just to try out something new.

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